Miracle on 34th Street
Richard Attenborough positively sparkles in the role of the mysterious Kriss Kringle, giving a restrained and genuinely sweet performance.
MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (USA) 1994 Drama / Family / Fantasy
Director : Les Mayfield
Starring : Richard Attenborough
Elizabeth Perkins
Dylan McDermott
1 hr 54 min
Padding the deluxe avenues of Manhattan, kindly gentleman Kriss Kringle (Attenborough) is first seen confirming to a child that he is in fact the real Father Christmas. Mr Reassuring he may be, but he's also possessed of a medieval guildsman's pride: seeing the Santa from Cole's department store swigging whisky on a street parade, he wrests the reins away from him and takes over his sleigh, so impressing a Cole's executive (Perkins) that she hires him for the duration.
The queues grow legion, until finally he's charged with being an impostor. That's not his only trial: he also has to convince Perkins' precocious daughter, which means delivering her Christmas list of a father, a house and a brother. This is a philosophical movie. How do you prove Santa's existence?
Doors open 3.00pm Screening at 3.30pm